A new year can often shine a light on exciting changes: new job opportunities, new neighbourhood, new friends. The prospects for 2021 shone a little less brightly for many people whose working lives were impacted during 2020.
Secure employment was a casualty for many people last year. For some, their services were no longer financially viable for their employers. And for others, their working hours were significantly reduced. Some lucky people were able to turn their misfortunes around by refining an existing skill set or learning new skills.
The common denominator for each of these groups was new ideas. Circumstances beyond their control forced them into thinking outside the square. Some went back to study to hone a long-forgotten craft that had been buried, others launched themselves into unknown job sectors.
The buzz word ‘pivot’ applied to these groups: the breadwinners who changed their career paths and discovered renewed job satisfaction; the influencers and entrepreneurs who strategically rode the wave of social media success; and the go-getters who, through hard work and determination, turned an idea into a new small business. The start-ups of 2021.
A new business needs to find its niche in the world of advertising. With a multitude of platforms vying for attention, one of the most important aspects of advertising is words. The right words that reach the target audience; words that engage the reader, viewer, or listener; words that linger in their minds.
When you know what to say but don’t know how to say it, outsource to a professional copywriter. Whether you’re a start-up or an existing business owner, a professional copywriter can help you find the right words to make the right people notice your business.