Congratulations – you are officially a Small Business owner. Before you hit the ground running, make sure you have the right tools in your Marketing Toolkit.
Your can-do attitude is a great start, but bolster that with these five must-haves:
- Website. Even if it’s only one or two pages, you should have a website. Start with a home page with a couple of paragraphs about your business. A separate page for contact information should include your mobile number, email address and links to your socials.
- Social Media accounts. Choose the best platforms to suit your business and the time you can devote to regular posting. If finances are a bit tight and you need to self-manage your socials, decide what is best for you. If you have a healthy marketing budget, reach out to a professional social media marketer to help you.
- Business cards. Yes, they are old-school, but they still have their place in business today. Think about this: you are at a networking event trying to remember everyone’s name and what they do. Fortunately, some of them hand over business cards and you have a visual prompt to remember them by. Be that person … the business owner that other people can remember by your business card.
- Single-page profile brochure. This is your perfect business snapshot to email as a PDF, or personally deliver in print form. You can create your own profile document from templates in Word or have it professionally created. Include a headshot, your name and your business name, experience and skills relevant to your new business, and contact details. Source a professional photographer and a professional copywriter and your profile will look fantastic.
- Mobile message bank. Seems like a ridiculous inclusion, but it needs to be in this list. It is incredible how many business owners don’t bother to set up mobile message bank. It is frustrating for your callers when there is only a ’10-second voice to text’ option. Be professional by letting your callers know the name of the business they have called and give them the opportunity to leave a detailed voice message.
Your marketing toolkit is now stocked, and you are ready to introduce yourself and your business to your target market.
Get in touch if you need help with your copywriting – words are my business.